Delving Deeply is open

We had a wonderful opening event on Saturday 23rd March. Lots of people came and I sold seven paintings which was a bonus. See the link to a short video below.

The exhibition is open for two months until 27 May so plenty of time to go and see it. Here are just a couple of reviews-

"What a progression in art! Quarrying front and centre. Dreamlike qualities of the Untitled and Promises- excellent. We love the quarry tiles- How expressive- reflective of Northern England- those are particularly moving. The juxtaposition of Industry and Nature- what a triumph".

"What an achievement! Your  paintings evoke a feeling in me of joy-in their colour, variety of shapes, texture, size and interest in the theme. Beautifully displayed in a well-chosen gallery- a feeling of space".

What can I say? I am so grateful.